Monday, February 25, 2013


Twice a week I drive through the black veins of Helsinki-Lahti motorway. I can relate myself with the crows who eat the corpses of dead animals. At least I love my job.


In the autumn.

In the beginning of the school year.

Saturday, February 23, 2013


I changed my address. It was but I didn't want to keep it. I accidentally typed I guess I don't need to explain more.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Household Chores

My daughters chest of drawers

Household chores.. Does anyone actually like them? Yell out! A little ray of 
light or beautiful thought exists without ever having to worry about
 them. I have tried it too but the chaos takes over my home. I want my
 cosmos and I have no choice but to create it myself.

I got some beautiful flowers from my friends at the opening. The flowers really motivated me to clean up our home.

In the kitchen
It's a pity that a change is never permanent.

On the desktop
Next to our TV
PS. Snow White always reminds me of my friend Anna K. I dedicate the song to her!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


I have been planning to open this blog and it seems that now it's the time. Yesterday was also the opening of my exhibition "A Show"  in Ateljee Bar Torni, Helsinki.

Me in the opening
Paintings are old but I have never exhibited them together before.

Looking at "A Smile of a Friend"
Still I had a little hurry to put it together - I did it in two days' notice! I didn't hesitate a bit when I was asked to do it because it was something I really wished to do.

Ateljee Bar and some of my guest

It was early Monday afternoon but still my dear friends came over. They made my day.

My blog is not going to be in a in the swim. I'm going to write about all the things that concern me, my past as a fairy and my future that is still unknown. But this is not a diary. This  is my storybook, full of fairy tales.

Thanks to AP Darth for the photos! (Expept the last one is from S Shayan - thanks to her too!)